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Lydia Krabbendam

Professor Developmental Neuropsychology
Faculteit der gedrags- en bewegingswetenschappen

Samen met mijn groep onderzoek ik de ontwikkeling van hogere cognitieve functies (executieve functies, metacognitie, sociale cognitie) en de relatie met schools functioneren, welbevinden en probleemgedragtijdens de adolescentie.

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Lydia Krabbendam

Professor Developmental Neuropsychology
Faculteit der gedrags- en bewegingswetenschappen

Samen met mijn groep onderzoek ik de ontwikkeling van hogere cognitieve functies (executieve functies, metacognitie, sociale cognitie) en de relatie met schools functioneren, welbevinden en probleemgedragtijdens de adolescentie.


Batenburg-Eddes, T. van, Lee, N.C., Weeda, W.D., Krabbendam, L. & Huizinga, M. (2014) The potential adverse effect of energy drinks on executive functions in early adolescence. Frontiers in Psychology, 5(457). DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00457

Boschloo, A.M., Krabbendam, L., Aben, A. Groot, R.H.M. de & Jolles, J. (2014) Sorting Test, Tower Test, and BRIEF-SR do not predict school performance of healthy adolescents in preuniversity education. Frontiers in Psychology, 5:287. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00287

Derks, J., Lee, N.C. & Krabbendam, L. (2014) Adolescent trust and trustworthiness: Role of gender and social value orientation. Journal of Adolescence; 37(8), 1379-1386. DOI: 10.1016/j.adolescence.2014.09.014

Fett, A.J., Gromann, P.M., Giampietro, V., Shergill, S.S. & Krabbendam, L. (2014) Default distrust? An fMRI investigation of the neural development of trust and cooperation. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 9, 395-402.

Fett, A.J., Shergill, S.S., Gromann, P.M., Dumontheil, I., Blakemore, S.J., Yakub, F. & Krabbendam, L.  (2014) Trust and social reciprocity in adolescence – A matter of perspective-taking.  Journal of Adolescence,  37, 175-84 

Gromann, P.M., Fett, A.K., Korver, N., Haan, L. de, Shergill, S.S. & Krabbendam, L.(2014). Reduced brain reward response during cooperation in first-degree relatives of patients with psychosis: an fMRI study. Psychological Medicine, 44, 3445-3454. 

Krabbendam, L., Hooker, C. & Aleman, A. (2014). Neural effects of the social environment.  Schizophrenia Bulletin,  40, 248-251 

Oosterhout, B., Krabbendam, L., Boer, K. de, Ferwerda, J., Helm, M. van der, Stant, A.D. & Gaag, M. van der. Metacognitive group training for schizophrenia spectrum patients with delusions: a randomized controlled trial. Psychological Medicine, 44, 3025-3035. DOI: 10.1017/S0033291714000555.

Quee, P.J., Meer, L. van der,  Krabbendam, L., Haan, L. de, Chan, W., Wiersma, D., Beveren, N. van, Pijnenborg, G.H.M., Mulder, C.L., Bruggeman, R. & Aleman, A. (2014). Insight change in psychosis: relationship with neurocognition, social cognition, clinical symptoms and phase of illness.  Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 129, 126-133.

Oyserman, D.R., Novin, S., Flinkenflogel, N., & Krabbendam, L. (2014). Rethinking the culture-brain interface: Integrating culture-as-situated-cognition and neuroscience prediction models. Culture and Brain, 2, 1-16.

Van der Velde, J., Tol, M.J.D. van, Goerlich-Dobre, K.S., Gromann, P.M., Swart, M., Haan, L. de, Wiersma, D., Bruggeman, R., Krabbendam, L. & Aleman, A. (2014) Dissociable morphometric profiles of the affective and cognitive dimensions of alexithymia. Cortex, 51, 190-199. DOI: 10.1016/j.cortex.2014.02.017 

Veroude, K., Jolles, J., Croiset, G. & Krabbendam, L. Sex differences in the neural bases of social appraisals. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, 9, 513-519.

White, T.P., Loth, E., Krabbendam, L., Rubia, K. Whelan, R. & Banaschewski , T., et al. (2014) Sex differences in COMT polymorphism effects on prefrontal Inhibitory control in adolescence. Neuropsychopharmacology, 39, 2560-2569. DOI: 10.1038/npp.2014.107

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